March 2025: A Journey of Faith and Obedience

The Outcome began on February 10, 2025, birthed from a simple act of obedience to God’s call. The Lord impressed upon my heart the need to start recording my sermons—using nothing but my old phone. Initially, I wrestled with this instruction. I argued with God, saying my phone wouldn’t produce good audio quality. I asked Him for better recording equipment if this was truly His will. I also doubted whether anyone would even listen if I began preaching online through YouTube. Excuses filled my prayers.
As I sought the Lord, I realized my heart was not aligned with His will. He reminded me of Moses’ own struggle when God called him to lead Israel:
“But Moses protested again, ‘What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The Lord never appeared to you’?’ Then the Lord asked him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ ‘A shepherd’s staff,’ Moses replied. ‘Throw it down on the ground,’ the Lord told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back. Then the Lord told him, ‘Reach out and grab its tail.’ So Moses reached out and grabbed it, and it turned back into a shepherd’s staff in his hand. ‘Perform this sign,’ the Lord told him. ‘Then they will believe that the Lord, the God of their ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—really has appeared to you.'” —Exodus 4:1–5 (NLT)
Just as God used Moses’ simple staff for His supernatural purpose, I realized He could use my old phone to impact nations through the message He had placed on my heart. With renewed faith, I surrendered my doubts and said, “Lord, let Your will be done.”
Not long after, God confirmed that people were ready to listen. A friend from a church in Dubai reached out, eager to hear my audio sermons. This encouragement opened doors—one of which was an invitation to preach in Dubai this coming September! What started as a small step of obedience is now leading me to share the Gospel beyond the Philippines for the first time. I am overwhelmed by what the Lord is doing and excited for what’s ahead!
Equipped for the Mission: Ending Gospel Poverty

On February 22–24, 2025, my Senior Pastor, Pastor Mark Albaracin, sponsored my attendance at the Haggai National Seminar 5, organized by Haggai International Dumaguete Chapter. During this intensive three-day workshop equipping Christian leaders to end Gospel poverty, God revealed The Outcome’s true purpose: to end Gospel poverty by spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the nations.
Our mission is clear—ending Gospel poverty and reaching the lost by discipling them with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our vision is to become The Outcome of God’s redemptive purposes in Christ Jesus. We hold firmly to the promise of Romans 8:28:
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Through the Haggai Seminar, God clarified our goal: to reach 10 million souls in two years. It’s a vision so impossible that only God can make it happen—exactly the kind of calling we’re thrilled to pursue.
“Attempt something so impossible that unless God is in it, it’s doomed to failure.” —Dr. John Haggai
This mission ignites my heart. I believe God will make the impossible possible.
We’ve also remodeled our website to reflect our mission and vision, establishing the SPREAD model:
S – Share the Gospel
P – Pursue Connections
R – Raise Testimonies
E – Equip Believers
A – Activate Purpose
D – Disciple Nations

SPREAD captures the entire process of evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication—a movement where every believer becomes The Outcome of God’s redemptive purpose, sharing His love and truth to the ends of the earth.
I encourage anyone with a heart to end Gospel poverty to join the Haggai Seminars. Learn more at Haggai International.
Expanding the Work: Life Groups and New Souls Saved

Responding to God’s call, Word International Ministries – Downtown Dumaguete, where I serve as Youth Pastor, launched our first Life Group on March 7, 2025. We held our gathering at Kalapihan Coffeehouse in Taclobo, Dumaguete City—a location where the owners had been praying their space would be used for God’s glory.
Their son, a senior high school student at Holy Cross High School Dumaguete, had also been praying for his friends to encounter the Gospel. That night, 12 of his friends joined the Life Group—and every single one of them received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! It was a divine appointment and an answered prayer. We believe this is just the beginning—God will add to their number and multiply what we have offered, just like the loaves and fish.
“Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people.” —Mark 6:41 (TPT)
The Outcome’s Growth and Impact
Since launching on February 10, 2025, The Outcome has published 10 blog posts at and reached 161 active users and 6 newsletter subscribers. Through these blogs, I’ve shared my testimonies, Sunday sermons, and teachings on the Doctrine of Christ.
Our YouTube channel, The Outcome, now features 8 recorded sermons, including teachings on the Doctrine of Christ, Gospel messages, and my personal testimony. We’ve also started a podcast based on our church’s weekly Bible study. In just one month, we’ve gained 17 subscribers.
Our Facebook group, The Outcome Community, currently has 10 followers. While we haven’t launched a Facebook page or campaign yet, the early impact we’re seeing encourages us that God is indeed moving through this ministry.
We’ve also reached 44 souls who received the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through physical outreach, life group meetings, speaking engagements and intentional evangelism.
That brings the total to 238 people reached so far!
(161 website active users + 6 newsletter subscribers + 17 YouTube subscribers + 10 Facebook group members + 44 through physical evangelism.)
It’s a beautiful start — only 9,999,762 to go! Let’s keep believing in God for the impossible.
Our goal to reach 10 million souls in two years may seem impossible—but we serve a God of the impossible. This vision is not ours alone; it’s God’s mission for His glory.
Just Recently this March 10, 2025 – Mental Health Awareness Workshop at Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial

Dumaguete Science High School with Miguel Angelo Tiu and Bella S. Magalso with their advocacy Istorya ni Inday og Dodong: Mental Health Awareness & Psychosocial Support for Mister & Miss RTPM Dumaguete Science High School 2025.
I’m very blessed to lead all 24 kids from grade 8 and 9 to a prayer to receive the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ that surpasses all understanding. Addressing total wellness, not just in mental and emotional health, but most importantly our spiritual health which is rooted in our Savior Lord Jesus Christ!
Be Part of The Outcome
If you believed you are called to support this mission, here’s how you can get involved:
Pray: Join us in prayer as the Apostle Paul urged in Colossians 4:3–4 (NKJV):
“…that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ… that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.”
Partner: Support The Outcome financially and help us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, winning more souls for His Kingdom. Your financial support will aid us in buying the right equipment and tools to improve our audio sermons, podcast, website and other platforms and possibilities to spread the gospel both online and physical outreach.
Connect: If you live in Dumaguete City or nearby, connect with us to see what the Lord is doing in our ministry. Reach out at
Our mission is clear: to see The Outcome of God’s redemptive purposes by ending Gospel poverty and reaching the nations with the message of Jesus Christ. Together, let’s see this vision fulfilled.
In Christ, Mark Daniel Lanaria – Founder, The Outcome